Capacity of Operable Petroleum Refineries by State (EIA)
Barrels per day
Operational refinery capacity is important. When one or more refineries shut down, this data can be used to estimate the total supply disruption relative to the state and region and compare it to state demand.
Weekly Petroleum Status Reports (EIA)
Weekly U.S. supply and estimates by PADD; National analysis
This report provides weekly regional stocks of petroleum products compared to the five-year regional highs and lows. Understanding what the relative stock levels are provides one element of the supply demand picture. Understanding the risk of supply disruptions can be attributed to other elements including high levels of demand, substantial reduction in refinery production, or pipeline movements.
State Profiles and Energy Estimates (EIA)
Energy use and infrastructures maps by state
Baseline state energy data for situational awareness, supply chain risks, support program, and policy development. Data illustrates states relative dependence on various energy resources used to meet states demand.
Short Term Energy Outlook (EIA)
U.S. Energy Supply and Demand Assessment
State and regional trends are affected by the U.S. outlook. This report helps identify factors that influence regional supply, demand, prices, and future trends.
State and regional level inventories (EIA)
Monthly Refinery, bulk terminal, stocks by state and PADD
Shows monthly historical primary stocks by state and regions. This data can be compared to weekly regional stock data from the EIA Weekly Petroleum Status Report. If the PADD level stocks, refinery district stock data, and state level stocks data are highly correlated, a state can extrapolate (infer) the data for monthly estimates.
Working and net available shell storage capacity (EIA)
Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD) level storage capacity
Allows user to access stock data and determine at a PADD level how full or low stock levels may be relative to total storage capacity. Allows user to say how full the storage is in the region.
Retail prices gasoline and diesel fuel (AAA)
By state—current daily, historical
Has current gasoline prices date by states and major cities; spiking prices may be due to supply disruptions.
Gas Buddy
U.S. gasoline price heat map
Provides comparative gasoline prices analysis at a state, regional, and national level. Higher prices may indicate supply constraints.
Daily wholesale and retail petroleum product prices (EIA)
National and regional petroleum prices
Shows daily wholesale and retail prices for various energy products, including spot prices and select futures prices at national or regional levels. Data allows a state to determine the gross margins between wholesale and retail prices and how this margin changes over time. A sharp increase in pricing may reflect a refiner shutdown or other regional event, especially when retail prices spike and crude oil prices have not changed significantly.
Residential Heating Oil and Propane Prices (EIA)
Weekly by states during the heating season
Weekly residential prices by state (October through March). Price spikes are indicative of supply problems.
Capacity of Operable Petroleum Refineries by State (EIA)
Barrels per day
Operational refinery capacity is important. When one or more refineries shut down, this tool can estimate the total supply disruption and compare it to state demand.
Pipeline, Marine, and Rail Deliveries (EIA)
Pipeline, Tanker, Barge and Rail by PADD
Shows the volume of the flow for a full range of petroleum products between PADD, including net imports and exports.
Motor Fuel & Highway Trust Fund (FHWA)
Monthly state reports of gasoline and special fuels
Gross volume of gasoline and gasohol (blend of ethanol and unleaded gasoline) reported by wholesale distributors in each state. The data is taken from state taxation reports and may reflect time lags of six weeks or more between the wholesale and retail levels. The data include highway use, nonhighway use, and losses. As such, this may in some states, not provide a complete measure of consumption in any given month.
Monthly Prsoduct Supplied U.S. and PAD (EIA)
Monthly product supplied per barrels by PADD and product
Data reflects the total demand by products regionally and what was supplied. Note that stock changes are usually only a small component of supply.
Weekly Petroleum Supply Breakdown by Components; U.S. and PADD (EIA)
Barrels per week of finished petroleum products, production stocks, and imports supplied nationally and by PADD
Data is broken down for the U.S. and regionally for crude oil inputs into refinery production. Further broken down by of supply by refinery outputs stocks changes and imports. Viewing these components in a series, states can see how they change relative to one another.
Monthly State Petroleum Product Use (Suspended) (EIA)
Prime supplier sales volumes by state
A measure of petroleum product use. Shows the monthly deliveries of refined petroleum produced by month for end use consumption by state.