NASEO, Manufacturing and Energy: Advancing Productivity, Prosperity, and the Environment - An Overview of Industrial Technical Assistance for State and Territory Energy Offices, provides an overview of the importance of manufacturing and relevant State and Territory Energy Office interests, a summary of various programs and resources for industrial and manufacturing technical assistance, and a few highlighted cases of states that are advancing manufacturing energy and environmental management.
NASEO State Industrial Working Group Webinar: Assisting Manufacturing – Focus on Pennsylvania, January 27, 2025, 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET, Pennsylvania hosts a rich industrial technical assistance ecosystem with a mix of state, federal, nonprofit, independent, and university organizations and partnerships. Hear from the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Energy Programs Office (i.e., the State Energy Office) and the Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) about the Commonwealth’s technical and financial assistance programs and how they work together to advance manufacturing energy management, decarbonization, and economic benefits. Among featured programs will be PennTAP services, DEP’s upcoming industrial assessment program, and the new Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in Pennsylvania (RISE PA) program. Please register here and please contact industry@naseo.org if you have questions.
U.S. DOE announced more than $136 million for 66 selected projects to support transformational industrial technology R&D for reducing energy demand and improving American productivity in key industrial subsectors. These projects intend to accelerate innovative technology development to enhance the resilience and competitiveness of U.S. industrial supply chains. Selected projects are in six topic areas: Chemicals and Fuels, Iron and Steel, Food and Beverage Products, Building and Infrastructure, Forest Products, and Industrial Preliminary Front-End Engineering Design (Pre-FEED) Studies
Industrial Heat Pump (IHP) Alliance Webinar: Industrial Heat Pump Economics in the United States, January 16, 2025, 12:00 p– 1:00 pm ET: The Industrial Heat Pump Alliance will hold a webinar exploring industrial heat pump (IHP) economics in the United States featuring speakers the Policy Analysis at the Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy (CAELP), Cascade Energy, and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) discussing industrial heat decarbonation economic and policies; IHP market experiences, end-user decision making, and early opportunities; and IHP demonstration opportunities and economics in the food and beverage sector. Click here to register
Renewable Thermal Collaborative, Utility Engagement Playbook for Industrial Customers to help industrial firms overcome electrification barriers posed by electricity rates, grid infrastructure challenges, project complexities, and policy and regulatory structures.
Pathways to U.S. Industrial Transformation: Unlocking American Innovation: This vision study will identify and explore each of these pathways and how they can be pursued together to chart a course to an industrial transformation.
- Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in Pennsylvania (RISE PA) is a $396 million statewide industrial decarbonization grant program funded through the EPAs Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program. RISE PA will offer grants for small-, medium-, and large-scale decarbonization projects at industrial facilities to reduce GHG and co-pollutant emissions. RISE PA is focused on reducing emissions from Pennsylvania’s industrial sector, which is the highest-emitting sector statewide and accounts for just over 30% of Pennsylvania’s total GHG emissions.
DOE announced more than $43 million in selected projects to support the development of transformational technologies essential for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions across industrial subsectors. With 16 projects selected as part of a $38 million funding opportunity on cross-sector technologies and five projects selected in partnership with the Electrified Processes for Industry without Carbon (EPIXC) Institute, these investments will drive industrial emissions down while increasing America’s manufacturing competitiveness in global markets.
ENERGYWERX has opened a new round for Industrial Training & Assessment Center (IAC) [formerly Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC)] implementation grants. Small and medium-sized manufacturing firms (SMMs) can apply for receive grants of up to $300,000 per unique assessment recommendation, at a 50% cost share, to implement recommendations from ITAC/IAC, DOE Onsite Energy/CHP TAPs, or other qualified “ITAC-equivalent” assessments. Please see https://www.energywerx.org/itac for more information, including office hour availability and application information.
U.S. DOE Announces $3 Million to Support Industrial Decarbonization Workforce – DOE’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) and the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) announced $3 million for a new Industrial Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Decarbonization (ISEED) Collaborative that will assist partners across the manufacturing sector to develop and disseminate instructional curricula and training programs focused on industrial sustainability, energy efficiency, and decarbonization. The resources will be available for workers at any level of training and education to help them build their skills and knowledge. IEDO solicits proposals from organizations with experience and networks in industrial energy efficiency and decarbonization; industrial heat electrification and hydrogen production; and low-carbon fuels, feedstocks, and energy sources. Applications were due Nov. 1, 2024.
NASEO Industrial Working Groups Forum: Industrial Heat Electrification and Storage - August 28, 2024: Industrial heating, which now often relies on onsite fuel combustion, is a major challenge to decarbonizing industrial processes. Arun Gupta, Founder and CEO of Skyven Technologies discussed steam-generating heat pump implementation for industrial customers (presentation). Caroline Jo, Vice President of Project Finance and Government Affairs at Rondo Energy presented on the Rondo Heat Battery that can provide 24/7 industrial heat while supporting load management and grid reliability (presentation). The speakers included discussion of business and financing models, including energy-, heat-, and storage-as-a-service business approaches. Recording available here.
Industrial Heat Pump (IHP) Alliance is an initiative of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) to assist stakeholders interested in implementing IHPs by offering guidance, resources, and support.
NASEO Response to DOE Request for Information on Transforming Industry – Strategies for Decarbonization (June 2024)
DOE MESC announced $50M for six states (MI, OH, IN, KY, TN, IL) with significant automotive workforces to help small- and medium-sized suppliers adapt manufacturing facilities for the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain; applications were due October 15, 2024.
DOE announced $1.5 million for three teams of technical assistance providers under the Industrial Training and Assessment Center (ITAC) program. The teams—led by the Purdue University Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the Regents of the University of Michigan, and the Trustees of the University of Illinois—will help create and refine a Small Supplier EV Transition Playbook, in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory, to help internal combustion engine suppliers navigate the transition of their business model to EV or adjacent markets.
The Renewable Thermal Collaborative released its Chemical Sector Assessment providing an analysis of decarbonization opportunities within the U.S. chemical industry, which accounts for approximately 20% of the country’s overall industrial emissions. This report outlines effective strategies to reduce thermal emissions which could deliver over 60% decarbonization of key production processes by 2050. June 25, 2024 webinar recording available here.
- Clean Air Task Force, Federal Funding Programs for Clean Industrial Innovation: A Guide for States is a resource for states officials, businesses, communities, advocates, and others to understand how IIJA and IRA funding can be used for holistic advancement of industrial technology innovation and decarbonization.
- NASEO-NARUC Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) and NASEO Industrial Working Groups Joint Forum: Industrial Demand Flexibility - June 11, 2024: This Forum focused on industrial demand flexibility and load management to save money, lower emissions, and reduce grid stresses from industrial operations. Dr. Kody Powell (Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center and University of Utah) and Dr. Blake Billings (Oak Ridge National Lab) presented Working Smarter, Not Harder: Opportunities and Challenges for Industrial Demand Response to Support the Grid and Ilia Krupenich and Akruti Gupta of the California Energy Commission (CEC) presented Industrial Energy Innovation in California highlighting industrial load flexibility opportunities and programs in California.
- ENERGY STAR Program for Industry launches its Industrial Assistance Network – small and medium-sized manufacturers can access local energy management support to access tools and expertise, earn ENERGY STAR recognition, and receive training and lessons from experienced industrial energy managers.