Smart Surfaces represent a set of resilient infrastructure strategies that cost-effectively mitigate urban heat island effect and manage stormwater while improving public health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and addressing historic inequities. Smart Surfaces technologies include solar photovoltaics, reflective (cool) roofs and pavements, green roofs, porous and permeable pavements, trees, and any combination of these surfaces. 
Wide deployment of these technologies can reduce peak summer temperatures, cut energy bills by reducing summertime energy demand for indoor cooling, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and improve indoor and outdoor comfort. State Energy Offices can work with local governments and community partners to implement Smart Surfaces solutions at scale by aligning policies and coordinating on funding approaches. 
To learn more about smart surfaces, please contact Grace Lowe (  

  • Cities for Smart Surfaces Project


    NASEO is partnering with the Smart Surfaces Coalition, a cohort of more than 40 organizations, to support the Cities for Smart Surfaces initiative, which is helping 10 cities across the U.S. increase adoption of Smart Surfaces at the metropolitan level. The Coalition provides city staff and local community-based organizations with data and education, a cost-benefit analysis tool, assistance with accessing federal funding, and policy guidance. 
    To learn more about the Cities for Smart Surfaces project, please contact Grace Lowe (  


  • Resources


    Carnegie Mellon University Center For Building Performance And Diagnostics, 2022 

    Smart Surfaces Coalition 

    Greg Kats And Keith Glassbrook, 2018 

    Greg Kats and Rob Jarrell, 2022 

  • Events

    • NASEO Annual Meeting Panel Session: Raising the Temperature on Extreme Heat: Smart Surfaces and Efficient Cooling, October 17, 2023