The U.S. Department of Energy issued a Request-for-Information on demonstration-ready technologies that reduce carbon emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Relevant technologies include direct air capture, point source carbon capture, geologic storage, carbon dioxide infrastructure, carbon conversion processes, and beyond. The RFI seeks input from states, public agencies, industry, technology providers, academia, research laboratories, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and potentially affected communities, including environmental justice, Tribal, energy transition, and others. Importantly, the RFI seeks input on environmental justice, community engagement, and workforce development related to CCUS projects and technologies.
RFI responses (due January 24, 2022, 5:00 pm ET) will inform deployment of over $10 billion of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) carbon management funding. It will support design of successful projects that advance effective, just, and sustainable technology deployment with attention to the voices of historically marginalized communities. Full RFI text and response instructions are at: RFI DE-FOA-000260.
Please visit the NASEO Infrastructure Act Hub for more on IIJA provisions and the Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage pages for CCUS resources.